<< 2011/03/28 | メイン | 2011/05/06 >>
2011 年4 月6 日

Nekiro New fabric with washi by ORIKEN

Nekiro is our originally developed fabric woven with washi (Japanese paper).

Traditional washi is usually hand-made from bark of "mitsumata" (botanical name: Edgeworthia chrysantha) and "kozo"(Broussonetia kazinoki), however, the washi for our Nekiro is made from Manila hemp by papermaking machines.

Washi products can be found everywhere, quality letter paper, interior decorations like wall paper, lamp shade, sliding doors in traditional Japanese rooms, etc.
Fiber of washi can hold moisture, so that it can keep ambient humidity properly by absorbing and emitting moisture like breathing.
Additionally, odor is dissolved by the moisture in the fiber.

We had started to develop new fabric Nekiro utilizing the magnificent characters of washi.
After long weaving trials we have achieved to get comfortable feel of the fabric.
Nekiro is woven with rayon as warp and rayon/washi alternately as weft.
The weft washi is supplied as narrow tape of various width depending on the products, and is inserted as it is, not twisted (!).
This exclusive weaving technology gives the product smooth and soft feel, also good finish if dyed.

Both rayon and washi are the natural based material and have similar character.
Manila hemp as the washi material grows very quickly, so that it is a nature-friendly material by proper harvest control.
Also they neither produce toxic wastes at disposal nor cause any environmental destruction.

For daily use of Nekiro, washing machines can be used (select "soft" or similar program).
Washi in the fabric is not weakened by washing.

Try its gentle and smooth feel !!

ORIKEN Co., Ltd.

E-mail: oriken@po6.nsk.ne.jp
TEL/FAX: 0767 26 0012
Head office:
Hongo he 55,
Hakui City, 925-0623
Isikawa Japan

at 22 :36 | ひとりごと | コメント(0 )

<< 2011/03/28 | メイン | 2011/05/06 >>